Trademark registration for your brand name, logo, or slogan
Register a trademark for your business name, logo, or slogan and stop copycats from unauthorized use of your trademark.
- Simple 3-step process with online questionnaire
- Application reveiwed and prepared by a US licensed attorney
- Trademark filed with the US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO)

We couldn't be more pleased with their efficiency and professionalism.
Register your trademark in 3 simple steps
Secure monopoly rights for your trademark.
Choose a package
Sign up by choosing a package that suits your requirement.
Fill out the online questionnaire so we can begin working on your application.
Paperwork and research
Depending on the package you choose, we’ll research your mark,
prepare your application and send you a report with the application details.
Filing your trademark
When you give us the go-ahead, we’ll file your trademark
application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
Choose a package
Basic Package
+ federal filing fees
Get the most out of our trademark service if you’re on a budget
Trademark Case Review
Basic Trademark Search
Trademark Clearance Report
Filing along with your paperwork
Deluxe Package
+ federal filing fees
Our recommended best value trademark filing package
Attorney Case Review & Filing
1 Month Trademark Monitoring
Basic Trademark Search
Trademark Clearance Report
Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed
Cease & Desist Letter
Premium Package
+ federal filing fees
Everything included in the Deluxe package, plus:
Attorney Case Review & Filing
12 Months Trademark Monitoring
Basic Trademark Search
Refusal Risk Meter
Dedicated Case Filing Officer
24-hour Expedited Processing
Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed
See what our customers think about us
It was a great experience working with Trademark Mavericks. Chris & his team are very helpful and professional.
Jill Smith
I was very confused on how I can protect my brand identity but thankfully I was able to find Trademark Mavericks. They went ahead and did the entire thing for me in a very reasonable price.
Kevin Stern
Harvey helped me with my trademark monitoring and maintenance. I’d love to work with Trademark Mavericks again.
Bruce J.
Ryan made my day. I was waiting for the serial number for my trademark and the system kept my application on the same status for days without pushing it forward. In a matter few hours, he resolved the issue and brought me to satisfaction.
Andrea Switzer
Trademark Mavericks is great. Figured my questions out alot quicker than the other 5 companies I called with the same problem. Thanks for getting it solved quickly!!
Bria Gomez
This company has helped me tremendously. I would definitely like to work with them again.
Michael Turner Jr.
Everything was prompt and well done. There was no difficulty getting my concerns heard and attended to.
Joe Howard
Excellent and patient customer service. They took the time and care to address my concerns and calm my fears of filing incorrectly. I greatly appreciate it and feel confident about the filing process! Thankyou.
Sara Khan
Very good customer service. All staff I have spoken to since I started my quest getting my trademark...have been professional, courteous, helpful & patient.
Joseph Z
Our experts by your side

Douglas Tilton

Michael Yamani

Jessica Miller

Kristi Graham
Frequently Asked Questions
Still have a question? Call us ask one of our experts now.
What is a trademark?
A trademark is a word (e.g. NIKE), a phrase (e.g. JUST DO IT), or a symbol (e.g. the Nike Swish) that identifies your company as the exclusive provider of a particular product or service.
Why register a trademark?
What makes a good trademark?
How many trademark applications do I need?
What's the USPTO
Can I file a trademark if I haven't sold anything?
What could I do if my trademark is already in use?
Do I need a trademark to get on the Amazon Brand Registry?
Ready to register your trademark?
Not sure where to start? Get in touch with us and we’ll recommend the package that’s right for you. Call now